Saturday, June 24, 2006


"Distributed learning is not just a new term to replace the other 'DL,' distance learning. Rather, it comes from the concept of distributed resources. Distributed learning is an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different, non-centralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of time and place. The distributed learning model can be used in combination with traditional classroom-based courses, with traditional distance learning courses, or it can be used to create wholly virtual classrooms."

‘A distributed learning environment is a physical learning space that has been enhanced or extended by technology to include virtual features and capabilities’

Children’s learning happens in a distributed learning environment, an environment that incorporates the family, society, school culture, classroom and peers among other things. As an educator one needs to be aware of the different environments the students are coming in contact with and by taking this into account one can focus on the whole well being of the student rather than looking the school culture and classroom as an isolated facet of their learning environment. Thus creating a school system that encourages the possibility of deeper, higher order learning.

‘Computers can be a part of this environment, opening up a whole new Distributed Learning Environment within it’s self.’


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