Monday, June 18, 2007

Question 3

Provide an analysis of how you would provide for the diversity of learning styles and ensure the deep learning occurs in all students when teaching a lesson.

• Know the intelligences/ diversity of learning styles
• Know the students

• Know how to identify each of the learning styles in the students
• Prepare tasks with the intelligences/ diversity of learning styles in mind

• Have a range of tasks that foster/ are aimed at each or some of the
different learning styles so that students can chose a learning style they feel most comfortable with.
• Have a set of tasks throughout the series of lessons that cater for a diversity of learning styles
• Keep your teaching style balanced by thinking outside your square (own preferred style of learning) and make sure you’re not always teaching one way, variety is the spice of life

• Deep learning will occur if you are reaching your students with a
diversity of learning styles
• Promote and foster deep learning by allowing students time to critically reflect on the lesson, their work, the process, what they have learnt e.t.c

Gardner states there are 9 intelligences:

Linguistic intelligence ("word smart");
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart");

Spatial intelligence ("picture smart");

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart");

Musical intelligence ("music smart");

Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart");
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")

Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

Existential intelligence

Each student will have a unique combination of these with a possible dominate one.

Within my area of textiles I have found it fascinating to watch different groups of year7 and year8 be challenged by the technical act of sewing. In textiles/ sewing you use an interesting combination of logical-mathematical, spatial, and body-kinaesthetic intelligence.

For some students it is the body-kinaesthetic intelligence that is the most challenging in relation to sewing because it is the about using your body in conjunction with a machine. This is all about practice, for some students it comes naturally as they get more confident and less afraid of the machines. I am very aware of teaching students how to a line their bodies with the machine, there by giving them the best starting point of working towards sewing a straight line. I do this by visual and spoken demonstration as well as observing how they sew and being very conscious of reminding them constantly of how to sit properly.

The logical-mathematical and spatial intelligences comes into play with pattern making, understanding patterns, how garments are constructed, the design elements, and aesethic aspects of textiles.
It is fascinating to watch some students get thoroughly confused as they try to assemble a garment even after I have:

Given visual and spoken demonstrations of how to make a garment;
Posted up on the wall the instructions step by step in writing and actual fabric samples of the garments;

Or posted up instructions of written and drawn instruction;
Laid out on the table step by step fabric samples that can be looked at and be handled;

And sometimes I get the students to layout the garment on a partner to see how they think it would look (in the case of making the Kimono).

Sometimes I think they forget what they are making and can only see pieces of fabric in front of them not the garment they are trying to create.

Trying to provide deep learning for a variety of learning styles is a challenge with sewing but I feel it can be achieved by not only being very competent with the craft itself but being able to break it down into bite sized chucks, back to the basics, it’s about being very clear about what you are teaching and being able to know your students well enough to find the best in with to teach each of them.

Deep learning can also occur when teachers create a series of lessons that both teach new skill and allow time for practice while building confidence.


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