Thursday, November 09, 2006

Margaret J Wheatley

Innovation Means Relying on Everyone's Creativity
Leader to Leader, Spring 2001

"Recognize people's innate capacity to adapt and create-to innovate."

"In my own work I am always constantly and happily surprised by how impossible it is to extinguish the human spirit...My questions are, How do we acknowledge that everyone is a potential innovator? How can we evoke the innate human need to innovate?

"The human capacity to invent and create is universal. Ours is a living world of continuous creation and infinite variation. "

Margarat Wheatley on herself:

I have always found my attention drawn to many different disciplines: science, history, literature, systems thinking, organizational behavior, social policy, cosmology and theology. I value what I’ve learned from each of these different fields, because no one discipline, institution, or specialization can answer the questions that now confront us. We all must draw from many different perspectives to reweave the world.

Every year that I have worked on the Wearable Arts or WAVE as it is now called, I am over whelmed by the capacity of creativity and innovation that goes into creating our show.
My little room that I have contsant battle with whilst teaching produced with the amazing help of other teachers and parents a massive ammout of production costumes. As the Head Seamstress of such a deciated group of helpers I am touched, inspired and constantly amazed at the work that is the created.

Maybe it is the history that resides in that room that against all odds and amongst my little fits of 'I can't go on, this space is to small and messy' helps the ever expanding team of people achieve such amazing feats as producing 100 or so costumes in such a short space of time.


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